jueves, 25 de febrero de 2010

Portal3.0, Liferay5.2.3CE, GateIn3.0

Va llegando el momento de ir mostrando características de tres productos con similares orientaciones y funcionalidades. Los tres están pensados para lo mismo, construir portales de forma más o menos sencilla y modular, con dos diferencias fundamentales:

El por qué de estas diferencias es sencillo, Portal3.0 no integra un gestor de contenidos porque existen muchos WCM/DCM/CMS más capaces que los que proporcionan el resto soluciones. Portal3.0 no es una implementación de Portlets porque ya existen (Liferay y GateIn son un gran ejemplo).

En próximos post expondré las razones de ambas diferencias, repasando por qué Portal3.0 no implementa Portlets y por qué no integra un gestor de contenidos.

3 comentarios:

Thomas Heute dijo...

If Google Translate is correct I would like to bring some precisions.

GateIn doesn't embed neither force any ECM/WCM.

eXo platform will provide one though but choice is left to the user to install it or not.

A portal should be designed for this, to be able to add/remove components.
We prefer to be able to consume content from wherever is comes eXo WCM, Alfresco, CQ5 ... Edition can be left to those tools.

GateIn is a platform to build on.

Emilio Escobar Reyero dijo...

Thanks Thomas, I was wrong about that. We (Portal3.0) prefers it like GateIn does. BTW, great work.

Unknown dijo...


Thanks for your comment. Port@l 3.0 is also and first of all a portal platform, with a powerful development framework and component model as a basis. I'm sure the differences between its component model and portlets will be presented in future posts.

However, it does not pretend to be a generalist solution (eg it does not pretend to compete in the web desktop space, there are great products such as GateIn ) but there are some market segments where it really provides great value.